Developing Relationships and Workplace Achievement


At the eve of civilization people use barter system to buy or sell goods. But after a period they understand that it is a wrong system. Then they found out a process to buy goods or sell by exchanging an economic value. So they set an organization where they trade. The aim of this organization is making profit for the organization. It is called business and this organization is being called workplace (Armstrong, 2009). Employees are working in this workplace to achieve organizational goal. But sometime they face huge trouble to meet with organizational requirements because of their poor skill level. At this point, the organization needs to provide proper training to the employee of the organization to convert them an effective employee who can work not only for organization but also they can work for achieving own carrier goal. So now training and development of the employee are major issue for the organization (Carr, 1996). Organization needs to provide proper training as well as advising them how to set their carrier goal and work for achieving it. In this report the author will also discuss about expectations and requirement of the employee in an organization. The author will discuss here about manging performance and succession planning and the author will also discuss about career development strategies (Hargreaves, 2004). In this report the author will play a role as manager of human resource department of Aviva Plc.
Aviva Plc is the UK based multinational insurance company. They are providing insurance service to the 33 million people of 16 countries at all over the world. They are largest general insurer and leading pension’s provider. They are public limited company. They have listed to the FTSE 100.
Aviva Plc was established in 1969 at London. The former name of Aviva Plc was Hand in Hand Fire & Life Insurance Society. But the Aviva name adopted in 2002.
The main operation of Aviva Plc is the provision of general and life insurance, long term savings products and fund management. Aviva Plc has 29000 employees at all over the world. Aviva Plc focuses on Asian and Europe market. Especially they focus on China who is an economically established country.
The most important strengths of Aviva Plc are their experience. They have more than 300 years of experience. So they know how to control the activity of employees and they can manage employee performance.
The manager (author) prepares this report based on several issues such as employee performance, managing employee career, succession planning. The manager will also focus on individual feedback of the employee; the manager will use evaluation technique to evaluate the performance of the employee. Finally the manager will try to make a recommendation on how to develop relation between employee and employer at workplace to achieve organizational goal (Armstrong, 2009).

Examining the expectations and requirements of people

People means here employee of the organization. They are vital elements of the organization. Because of they are working for the organization to earn maximum profit for the organization (Armstrong, 2009). They are being considered as intangible assets for the organization. So the manager of the Aviva Plc needs to understand the expectations and requirements of employee of Aviva Plc.
Employee expectations are generally considered as employee expects from an organization. Basically employee expectations are the basis for employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Satisfaction comes when expectations of employee meets (Carr, 1996). Some expectations of employee of Aviva Plc are given below:
Hygiene factors: These factors don’t create so much satisfaction to the face of employee if they meet but it creates dissatisfaction if they don’t meet. For example, if an office doesn’t provide basic tea or coffee and water to the employee then it may cause significant dissatisfaction to the employee (Carr, 1996).
Working conditions: It means terms of employment or controls that an organization used to monitor on employee. For example, an employee of an organization has a good relation with the employer based on trust but they will be surprised if the authority has increased the monitoring policy on employee.
Responsibilities: Employee expects responsibilities of the organization for working hard. But they also expect that responsibilities should be equally distributed to the all employees in an organization. Responsibilities of an employee should be well realistic. It is also an expectation of an employee (Armstrong, 2009).
Opportunity: Employee of an organization desires some opportunities from the organization. They want first opportunity to give them to prove their talent. They also want some other opportunities from the organization such as leave facilities on demand.
Office politics: It is also good for the organization but sometime it makes negative impact on the mind of employees. Expectation is regarding internal competition and behaviour. When an employee work in an organization at win-win situation. Employee builds a competition among them to get success. It is good for organization because of all the employees want to win but it is bad due to some time employee’s does misconduct with other to win (Hargreaves, 2004).
Based on the above analysis, the manager of Aviva Plc has understood that employee satisfaction depends on employee expectation. So they need to consider about different types of expectation of employee to satisfy them. This report is proving of this statement that financial facilities are not required always to satisfy employee.

Administering people in accordance with guidelines and career pathways

Career pathways are an integrated program where the manager of the organization deals with organizational goal and objectives (Hargreaves, 2004). Basically the manager of the Aviva Plc is directing the employee how to set individual goal and make plan regarding career pathways.
Basically career pathways are planning for future of career. It ensures that employee should not leave the jobs. So it is a responsibility of the manager to provide proper guideline to the employee career pathways. The manager of Aviva Plc has given some guidelines to the employee regarding career pathways (Carr, 1996). These are:
Hindsight: The employee of the organization should find out what they have achieved so far. They also need to analyse the skill of the employee and abilities to achieve organizational goal. Based on this they need to find out what they want to achieve.
Foresight: The employee also needs to analyse goal of the organization before setting their vision. They need to fix where going industry is. Based on the goal of organization they need to set their vision.
Insight: The employee needs to find where the above two conversions intersect. It is very good for the individual to find out where employee skills and abilities intersect with where the industry is going (Armstrong, 2009).
Based on the above discussion the employee should set their targeted goal and prepare career pathways. But the manager here uses six elements for the employee to develop career pathways. These elements are:
1. Build cross agency partnerships and clarify roles: The employee of the organization should work in a team so that employer needs to develop a team. The employee should set mission, vision, goal and objectives of that team. Finally the employer should divide the role and responsibilities of the employee.
2. Identify industry sectors and engage employees: Employee needs to identify where the organization is going on and they need to engage in the decision making process. The employer should give opportunity to the employee to take participation in the decision making process also (Carr, 1996).
3. Design Education and Training Programs:  The manager of the organization will design training program for the employee to develop their skill and enhance the career.
4. Identify funding needs and sources: The manager will arrange funds for training of the employee and also recruit external mentors for them to motivate why they will work for Aviva Plc and what is their future here (Bee and Bee, 2004).
5. Align policies and programs: The manager here follow the system of organization regarding career pathways. How Aviva plc promote the employee to the next level it will be discussed with employee to show the future of them in this organization.
6. Measure system change and performance: The manager of the organization here measure system changes and performance of the employee. It has done to tell them where their position is and how to improve from this condition.

Managing career development of people

People are most valuable assets for the organization. They work hard for the organization to achieve organizational goal and objectives. So it is also responsibility of the organization to take care of the employee to boost their performance who is career conscious. So career development is very much important tool for the organization (Armstrong, 2009).
From point of view of employee, career development is very much important tool for the employee to obtain their objectives On the other hand, career development is a process starts from early stage of career and it continues to the end (Hargreaves, 2004).
Stages of career development: There are four stages of career development. These are:
Developmental tasks
Find out interests, skills and find out fit between self and workplace
Advancement, professional growth, security and develop lifestyle.
Waiting for accomplishments and update skills.
Planning to retirement, change balance between work and non-work.
Helping, learning and following directions of manager
Making individual contribution to the organization
Training, sponsoring and policy making for the organization.
Phasing out or work.
Relationships to other employees
Mentor of the subordinates
Typical age
Less than 30
Between 30 to 45
Between 45 to 60
61 plus
Experience of job
Less than 2 years
Around 2 to 10 years
More than 10 years
More than 15 years

Some specifics career development activities from employer sides are given below. These are:
Career counselling: It is very much important for both organization and employee. The manager of the organization are providing different types of support and advising to the employee regarding various issues.
Career pathing: The manager of the organization needs to set a detailed path of the career of employee. The manager will discuss here about career goal, mission, and vision (Bee and Bee, 2004).
Transfers: The manager of the organization is playing an important role by transferring employees from one department to other department. It helps the employee to earn some experience and new tastes to develop skill (Armstrong, 2009).
Training: The manager of the organization needs to provide different types of training to the employee to build them skilled and efficient for the organization. It enhances the performance of the employee (Hargreaves, 2004).
Promoting: The manager of the organization needs to promote the employee based on their performance and experience. It helps the employee to get new some more responsibilities. So the manager of the organization should consider about performance. 

Managing performance and succession planning

Performance management system is the systematic process of the organization to evaluate the performance of the employees.  It is a process through which the management aligns the set of organizational goal, objectives, mission and vision of the organization. In this process the manager of the organization manage the performance of the employee. The manager of the organization should be considered about employee performance (Bee and Bee, 2004). The manager of Aviva Plc needs to manage performance of the employee at various ways. The manager can follow six stages. These are:
Stage 1: Pre-requisite: The manager of Aviva Plc should be considered about pre-requisite skill of the employee to perform well. Without proper skill employee can’t performance. So the manager should ensure that all the employee have proper skill and knowledge about job.
Stage 2: Performance planning: It is being also considered that the manager of the Aviva Plc and employee sets a plan about how to achieve organizational goal and objectives.  Both of them has set goal of the organization at first then they work for achieving that goal.
Stage 3: Performance execution: The manager of Aviva Plc provide direction to execute the plan they has set in the above stage to achieve organizational goal and objectives. Both the party has to execute the job (Bee and Bee, 2004).
Stage 4: Performance assessment: The manager of the organization should be considered about result of their performance. It is the most important part for the organization. At this part the manager does evaluate the performance that it is satisfactory or not to achieve organizational goal. The manager analyses the performance to understand that their targeted goal achieve or not (Hargreaves, 2004).
Stage 5: Performance review: In this process the manager of the organization review the performance of the employee. They analyse the performance of the employee that it was satisfactory or not for the organization. The manager review the performance of the employee to provide proper feedback if t the employees fails to achieve organizational goal.
Stage 6: Performance reconstructing: It is the final stage of this process. The manager here takes action against the employee of the organization. The manager provide training to increase the performance level of the employee.

There is an old saying that there is no inspection where is no achievement. Inspection, direction and supervision arise from performance management process. The manager of the organization needs to follow several techniques to supervise the employee about their job and performance. These techniques are:
Administrative: It means oversight of treatment agency operations, organization of people and resources, and implementation of policies and procedures in a way that directs activities towards agency goals and objectives.
Teaching: It is another process of the organization and manager to supervise the employees. The manager here teaches employees how to do their job to achieve organizational goal. The manager of the organization teaches various ways regarding various issues of the organization (Hargreaves, 2004).
Helping: It is also important for the manager and employee both. The manager of the organization helps the employee. They help the employee to perform their job. It is very good for the employee that they get direct supervision from employee how to do that job (Bee and Bee, 2004).
Linking: It is another process of the supervision where the manager of the organization links the employee with the other expertise of the organization. The manager of the organization here links the employee with one another to perform their best (Armstrong, 2009).
Evaluation: The manager of the organization evaluates the performance of employee to supervise how to change the performance or what to be changed. They use formal appraisal processes for the organization to evaluate the performance. There are various appraisal process. But six modern appraisal processes are:
1. Management by objectives
2. 360 degree feedback
3. Assessment centre method
4. Psychological appraisal
5. Human resource appraisal method
6. Zero in goals
Aviva Plc has used 360 degree appraisal method here to evaluate the performance. It helps the organization to evaluate the performance of the employee. Basically the manager of the organization evaluates the performance of the employee taking interview of their colleagues from different angles.

Methods of ensuring fair and objective assessment/appraisal

Evaluation of performance of the employee is a very good process for the organization to boost the performance. It helps the organization to find out most effective employees who are working for the organization (Bee and Bee, 2004). But the manager of the organization should ensure that they are using fair assessment system. But the manager of the Aviva Plc needs to ensure that they are using fair appraisal system. So they need to follow:
Stay current: The manager of the Aviva Plc should be updated the employee about the expectation of the organization from employee. Judging on unclear data or old dated data is unfair assessment system. The manager of any organization should be ensured to the employee what they want from employee and what should be their performance. The manager of the employee should be updated the job description and informed to the employee so that they can perform based on the operation of the organization (Armstrong, 2009).
Balance criticism: Many managers make the same mistake when the employees are doing wrong at every time. The manager of the organization is viewing evaluation report of the employee while employees are doing everything incorrect. In this time the manager of the organization should be should be point out and noting the employee about their underperformance. This will be providing a fair assessment to the employee and guided how to improve the performance.
Offer regular feedback: The manager of the organization such as Aviva Plc should be provided feedback to the employee regularly. It will help the employee to improve the performance. If employer notify the mistake of the employee and keep it to them and they provide feedback after a long time then it will be a problem for employee to improve the situation instantly. Otherwise it will be an unfair assessment for the employee (Bee and Bee, 2004).
Listen: The manager of the organization needs to talk with the employees regularly and given opportunity to them to say about their opinion and complaints and the manager should listen carefully. By giving employees a chance to express their perspectives, you allow them to take responsibility for their performances and ask for the help they need.

Methods to monitor evaluate and record individual feedback.

The manager of the organization should monitor the individual feedback of the employee. It is very much important for the organization (Bee and Bee, 2004). Because of employees feedback is an essential issue for the organization to decrease the employee turnover. There are several methods of evaluating and recording employee feedback. These are:
1. Dropbox: The manager of the organization should set a drop box to the organization where the employee can drop their feedback in written format. This feedback should be considered seriously (Armstrong, 2009).
2. Direct communication: The manager of the organization should be communicated with the employee of the organization to know about their opinion, problem, and demands. The employee also can say if they have any issue to the employer (Armstrong, 2009).
3. Performance of employee: The manager of the organization needs to analyse the performance of the employee. If level of performance of an employee is going down gradually it means they have any problem. The manager should talk with them to fix the problem and solve the matter.
4. Unusual behaviour: The manager of the organization needs to focus on behaviour of the employee. If employee likes to behave unusually then the organization needs to understand about employee feedback. It means the employee is indicating something.

Reporting performance appraisal including the importance of confidentiality

It has discussed already that there are different types of methods are available of appraisal of employee performance. Performance appraisal methods help the organization to understand that performance level of employee. It ensures that how an employee performs well for the organization (Armstrong, 2009). This method is being required to provide reward to the employee for their outstanding performance and taking action for their poor performances also (Armstrong, 2009). So it is very much important for any organization to evaluate the performances of the employee. But most important is reporting performance appraisal report to the head of human resource department. The manager should confidentiality when they report performance appraisal report to the head of HR department.
The manager reports it to the employee of the organization directly. They can call the individual employee to the board room and they can contact with them directly regarding with performance of the employee. The manager of the organization can discuss about the performance of individual directly in this room by locking the door and asks what the problem behind poor performance is if they have. On the other hand, if any employee performs well then the organization needs to reward to that employee in front of all the employees. It will be worked like motivation (Armstrong, 2009).

Learning styles and the range of training/development opportunities available

Training is very much important process for an organization to boost the performance of the employees. It helps an employee to learn more and increase their skills. Basically all the organization provides training to the employee such as Aviva Plc also. They provide training to the employee in various ways.
There are two types of training are available such as on job training and off job training. On job training means employee gets chance to take some practical knowledge. Off job training means employee gets some theoretical knowledge. Both are important and useful for the employee based on requirement of the employee. But Aviva Plc follows some training style that is audio, visual and kinaesthetic (Armstrong, 2009). These three are most common and most useful for the organization. How it does work to increase the efficiency of the employees are given below:
Audio: It is process by which a manager can hear only about the speech of expertise. The manager will learn some basic theoretical knowledge about job. Aviva Plc hires expertise from outside most of the time but sometime they arrange little program from own side. This expertise shares their experience with the audience about how they work for the organization and achieve organizational goal (Armstrong, 2009).
Video: It is a process by how an employee watches the real scenario of the work process. The manager of the organization is arranging some video for the employee and arranges a training session. An expertise discuss the video about what is going on there and describe it to the employee to follow in their job sector (Armstrong, 2009).
Kinaesthetic: It is totally practical training process. It is also called on job training process. In this training process the employee gets opportunity to learn about tactically. The employee learns here about how to do a task. It helps mostly rather than audio or video training style.

Mechanisms to provide appropriate feedback to individuals

Feedback means result of action. All the employees are trying to earn maximum goal of the organization. But all the employees are not working same. So the manager of Aviva Plc needs to provide appropriate feedback to the individuals based on their performance. There are different types of mechanisms to provide feedback to the employee. These are:
Pay it forward: It is very simple process but not easy. The manager can forward the achievement of one employee to other if they could do it then it will be a good constructive criticism. It will increase the productivity of the employee also.
Don’t wait for a specific review period: It has already discussed in the previous part of this assignments that if employee does any mistake or wrong then the manger needs to say directly to the employee instantly. The manager doesn’t need to wait for a long time or year end.
Make it one-on-one: The manager of the organization needs to provide feedback to the employee not publicly. They need to provide feedback to the locked room. It has discussed earlier part of this assignment.
End on a positive: The manager of the organization needs to ends on a positively. They need to encourage the employee to change situation and come again forward. The manager needs to talk politely and they need to say that to the employee that every man can change the fortune so why not they (Armstrong, 2009).
Use 3×3 methods: The manager can use 3×3 methods for the organization. In this method the manager will tell to the employee about three strengths and three potential sectors where they need to improve to achieve organizational goal. It is very positive and easy process for the manager (Armstrong, 2009).
Focus on performance not personality: The manager of the organization needs to focus on performance rather than personality. They can increase the performance of the employee by discussing with them about their performance. The manager should reward the employee for their performance not on their race, cast. This process motivates the employee to work hard for the organization.

Career development strategies including the wider context of sustainability

Career development is the series of activities and on-going process of the employee lifelong. It is a process of taking training to improve skills to learn new things, moving to higher job, taking more responsibilities in same organization or starting new business or joining new companies. But the employee needs to face so many obstacles in this process and they need to sustain to achieve goal of individual (Armstrong, 2009). It is very hard for any employee but it is the rule of career. The manager of Aviva Plc is going to discuss here about career development strategies. The manager suggests here to follow five important steps to develop career in an organization. These are:
Set and communicate clear goals: The employee should set a clear goal at first. They need to communicate with employer also. A proper communication will help them to achieve their own goal. The manager of the organization can help the employee to set their own goal in wider context in an organization.
Create an open feedback loop: It helps the employee to get feedback from different perspective. It is very much important for an employee to make change if they do any wrong. Feedback could be positive and negative both. But the employee should accept it easily.
Embrace new challenge: The employee should accept opportunities in their life time, if an employee of the organization gets a new opportunities and it matches overall plan of the career then the employee should accept it (Armstrong, 2009).
Create a portfolio of employee’s accomplishment: The employee should prepare a portfolio of their accomplishment to get motivation from their own work. It helps the employee to work more for the organization.
Network: The manager of the employee should build a network. It enables an employee to get a new job or get a new opportunity from the same organization (Bee and Bee, 2004).
So finally the employee of an organization should follow all the content has discussed above to develop their career.  


Business is a social element that is responsible to the people of society. A business has formed to earn profit for the organization. The employee of the business works for achieving organizational goal (Armstrong, 2009). So they work hard in an organization.  But some time they face several problems to solve a problem. So they need training in the organization. The managers of HR department are focusing on training and development process of the organization (Armstrong, 2009). They provide proper training to the employee to earn organizational goal. The manager of Aviva Plc has used three style of training that are audio, video and kinaesthetic. The manager of Aviva plc helps the employee to set their goal of career by combining organizational goal. The manager plays here a good role. The manager also focuses on employees’ performance (Carr, 1996). The manager of the organization tries to manage the performance of the employee. The manager here plays a vital role to focus on succession planning also. It is also important for the organization to manage the career development plan of the employee of at Aviva Plc. The manager of Aviva Plc has also helped the employee of the organization set their own goal as career development strategies (Bee and Bee, 2004). The manager has analysed the performance of the employees and provide feedback to the employee individually. It is also important for the organization that the manager should behave politely with the employees and they don’t criticise the employees publicly. The manager can call the employee to their room and they can discuss about their performance. The manager here also needs to keep polite and provide feedback to the employee. The manager of Aviva Plc doesn’t wait for quarterly reporting process. The manager sends feedback instantly to the employee of the organization if they had done any mistake. Finally the manager (Author) of Aviva Plc has prepared this report based various issues to develop a good relationships at workplace.


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